Get Involved
There are several ways in which you can support Headway North Staffordshire…
Come and join a team where everyone makes a difference!
A one-off gift of money or regular payments are very welcome. These can be made by cash, cheque or CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) voucher. For details, please get in touch.
Alternatively, you can make donations online through our Give as you live page…
Potto Lotto
You can now support us though the Potto Lotto, a local lottery where we can receive 50% of each ticket bought. Tickets start from £1 per ticket per week. please click on the Potto Lotto logo to get your tickets, easy opt in or out no long term commitment ..good luck !!
Gifts in Kind
If you shop online a fantastic easy free way of supporting Headway North staffs is to sign up with Give as you Live. Simply go to their website choose Headway North Staffordshire as your charity to support, then go to the online retailer of you choice through their site. Amazon, eBay, Boots, Argos, M&S over 4,200 shops to choose from then shop as normal.
When a confirmed purchase is made , a small percentage of the sale goes to Headway its that simple and costs you nothing.Please use the link to find out more information and to sign up !
If you would like to organise a fundraising event for Headway North Staffs please click on the Give as you live button and click start fundraising. Any donations we receive big or small is always greatly appreciated. Thanks to the above who are kindly supporting us.
Although affiliated to the national organisation ‘Headway, The Brain Injury Association’, Headway North Staffordshire is an independent charity. If you wish to support Headway North Staffordshire specifically, please ensure all enquiries and any donations are made directly to Headway North Staffordshire.