Headway News

News from Headway House and Headway North Staffordshire.

Luke Cryer Safety Awareness Event Video

As a follow on from Luke Cryer's Safety awareness event in October, Ant Thane from Humanoid offered to come along to film the action for free. Here is the completed video. For more information about Ant and his work click the link below https://www.humanoid.uk/

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Safety Awareness.. Luke Cryer Update

Fantastic turnout for Team GB's Mountain Biker Luke Cryer.He held the event to raise awareness about the importance of cycle safety gear. The proceeds of the event, including the opportunity to win safety helmets , knee/elbow pads/ gloves etc. Went to Headway North...

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Team GB Mountain Biker Luke Cryer

A Special event is taking place to raise awareness of cycle safety gear and to raise funds for Headway North Staffs. Luke Cryer, a team GB mountain biker and medallist, sustained a brain injury last year whilst cycling on a pump track. His injuries were not nearly as...

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Stepping Down

Our long time Trustee Pam Smith stepped down after many long years service for Headway North Staffordshire. In her honour as a thank you,we had a sandwich and cream tea party, fortunately Pam will still pop in and volunteer when she can. We wish her all the best for...

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Members Memoirs

COMING SOON TO HEADWAY NORTH STAFFS “MEMBERS MEMOIRS” Brought to you by Carole Foster A little about me. I have been a member at Headway North Staffs since April 2018 and during that time it has been my privilege to listen to some remarkable stories from my fellow...

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Cycling at Westport Lake

We have had a brilliant activity recently cycling around Westport Lake. The special bikes provided by the Green Door Project enable people with disabilities to take part in something they may never have done after injury. A fantastic success, we look to going many...

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Training Kitchen

Our training kitchen is now fully operational and our clients are having a great time using it. Time to thank the people who made this possible. Screwfix Foundation Garfield Weston and Bohsier- Hinton Foundation who donated the funds Russ & Jason for BKB kitchens...

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Ros Davies Counselling Sessions

Headway North Staffordshire is in the fortunate position to offer free professional counselling sessions with Ros Davies https://stokeontrentcounselling.co.uk/ This service has been funded by the National Lottery and will run for 6 one hour sessions. This service is...

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New Year Opening

As we are under tier 4 restrictions Headway North Staffs will be operational but under reduced numbers. Patient transport will still take people who are coming to Headway House The people who will have an allocated place will be notified by Staff  

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Festive Hampers

Headway North Staffordshire were fortunate to receive two grants in the run up to Christmas to provide festive hampers to our service users. The grants were from Co-op Covid Emergency Fund and the Malam Health Grant. Due to Covid restrictions we were unable to provide...

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Remembrance Day Poem

Below are the words of a poem written for Remembrance Day by our service user Carole Foster... Never forget what we need to remember Every year in the 11th November Victorious in battle, but many lives lost In the cold light of day, such a terrible cost Just two...

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A GoFundMe page has been setup in memory of Jack Sumner. Below is an article in the Stoke Sentinel Thousands of pounds have been raised in memory of a 22-year-old man who lost his fight for life in hospital. The online fund-raising appeal has been set up following the...

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Local MP Visit 4th August

We had a visit from local MP Jonathan Gullis yesterday morning, Jonathan came to see what we are doing, the services we have on offer and how we are coping with the changes during the COVID Pandemic. Observing the guidelines, face covered and socially distanced...

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Brain Injury and Covid

Brain injury survivors ‘fear for future’ due to lost rehab More than half of brain injury survivors have lost access to rehabilitation services as a result of lockdown measures and now fear for their futures, according to a new study published by the charity Headway....

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Hats at Home Friday 15th May

Friday 15 May It's time to dig out your hat... Even though our Action for Brain Injury activities are not going ahead this year , there is still fun to be had taking part in Hats for Home. Each year we ask all our incredible supporters to wear a wacky hat and make a...

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Continuing Support During Covid-19 Pandemic

Whilst Headway House is closed we are continuing to offer support during this difficult time. Our Outreach Service is still operational for Service Users in the community. Yesterday our staff were busy putting together food parcels to distribute to amongst our service...

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Coronavirus COVID-19 Support

  Although Headway House is currently closed while we are under government guidelines on lock down during the COVID -19 Pandemic. We are continuing to support our service users in the community. Please use the emergency number and speak to Darren Atkinson on...

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