Headway News

News from Headway House and Headway North Staffordshire.

New Year Boost

2023 starting as we mean to go on with lots of fun fitness in the first few weeks of January Stoke City Community Trust and Bee Active  came to Headway House to put our members through their paces , even staff member Amanda held sit down aerobic sessions. Great Fun...

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year  Thank you for all of your support, kindness and laughter throughout the year! Everyone at Headway Northstaffs you have all been amazing, we've made a million memories this year and can't wait for the New Year to make many more A special mention to all...

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Thank You !!

We are very grateful for everyone who takes the time to support us here at Headway North Staffs. Many of you may not be aware that although we are affiliated with Headway UK, we are financially independent, and stand or fall depending on income and outgoings. We have...

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What an amazing Monday morning Gogotuktuk came to visit us today... its safe to say we ABSOLUTELY loved it We had so many smiles and giggles, groovy moves, aswell as trying out a taste of culture Thank you so so much Surfy Alam and Sarmad Mir, we will never forget...

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Everyone has something to offer…

Just recently we having  been having interactive learning sessions from our members to each other. It just goes to show everyone has something to offer, no matter how we ended up at Headway House we all have experiences/talents that can be shared. Les teaching Art...

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Member of The Month

  As of July, we have started a new incentive scheme for our members. Each month four members will be awarded ‘Member of the month’. The members that win the awards will have been recognised for: going out of their comfort zone pushing themselves to achieve trying new...

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Jubilee Celebrations

A huge thank you to everyone for making this happen and everyone that came along to join in with the celebrations Thank you to all of the staff for the hard work in putting it all together and making the day so fun filled... not forgetting Wendy for her amazing...

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Postcode Local Trust

A big thank you to the Postcode Local Trust Last year Headway North Staffordshire received an award from Postcode Local Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. The multi-purpose grant was used to provide activities and...

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Headway Arf’ Marathon

Staff and Service users at Headway North Staffs will be undertaking a month long challenge to individually complete the13 mile distance of a half marathon, by whatever means they can. Walk... Run... Push... Cycle...as long as they cover the distance between. Wednesday...

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Hats For Headway

We had such a fun day yesterday! Everyone's hats were amazing! Hats for Headway Thank you all for taking part and for all of your generous donations! (Total to be confirmed) The men vs women game was brilliant thank you Darren for organising it ... even if you were...

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DM Ceramics & Crafts Workshop

A huge thankyou to Dawn Melanie from DM Ceramics for her amazing workshop. It was a fantastic activity with everyone who took part having a brilliant time. Here are some pictures from beginning on the potters wheel, to decorating, to the end results. We look forward...

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Film Opportunity

W have received news of an exciting project from Headway UK if you are interested follow the link below... The Director of an upcoming documentary Beyond Mother Love is looking for brain injury survivors to take part in her new feature film. The documentary follows a...

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Busy January

So nice to see everyone return to Headway House after the break. Lots of people took part in day activities, and the gym was very busy with everyone getting back in the swing... Hats off to all!!

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Christmas Closure

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported Headway Northstaffs throughout this past year. Either by attending , donating, sharing, or fundraising. Your contributions have been very much appreciated. We hope you have a happy and safe Christmas and New Year see you...

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Turkey Trot Update

Our cook Maggie  successful completed her 7k Turkey Trot. Maggie dressed as a turkey walked from Baddeley Green to Hanley, she has managed to raise over £400 for Headway Northstaffs online and off. If you wish show your support please click on the link below....

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Turkey Trot

Hi everyone , our wonderful cook Marg is doing a fundraiser in aid of Headway Northstaffs dressed as as Turkey !! If you would like to support her please click on the link to make a donation, please share the post if you scan the QR code on the poster it will take you...

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Christmas Jumper Day

Friday 10th December will be Christmas Jumper Day So dust off those Christmas Jumpers ready to wear on Friday If you don't attend Headway on this day then please tag us in a photo of you wearing your best Christmas Jumper Stay safe

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Memory Fashion Show

Friday 3rd December  Ryan planned a 'memory' fashion show... so the lads took one for the team dressed up for everyone The aim of the game was to remember what each person was wearing as they went past (if you could see through the tears of laughter) We had such great...

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